ponta's avatar

Aug. 11, 2021

Forgot to Turn Off a Tap

I sometimes forget to turn off a tap tight and, after a while, I realize water is dripping. This July, a teacher opened a tap to fill a pool for swimming class. The swimming class was postponed because of bad weather, and the teacher didn't turn off and check the tap because he thought another one had done. After seven days, it was found that the tap had been opened. In this incident, water, which corresponds to 15 pools, was wasted and it cost 24,600 dollars extra.


Forgot to Turn Off a Tap

I sometimes forget to turn off a tap tight and, after a while, I realize water is dripping.

This July, a teacher opeturned a tap on to fill a pool for swimming class.

Some languages talk about "opening" and "closing" taps but in English we "turn on" and "turn off" taps.

The swimming class was postponed because of bad weather, and the teacher didn't turn off and check the tap because he thought another onsomeone else had done it.


"...he thought another teacher had done it."

After seven days, it was found that the tap had been openedleft running.

Or you could say:

"...that the tap had been left on".

InDue to this incident, water, which corresponds toenough water to fill 15 pools, was wasted and it cost 24,600 dollars extra.


"...15 swimming pools' worth of water was wasted.."

"...and it cost and extra 24,600 dollars."

ponta's avatar

Aug. 12, 2021


Thanks for your corrections!

kisoskissos's avatar

Aug. 12, 2021


You're welcome!

Forgot to Turn Off a Tap

I sometimes forget to turn off a tap tight and, after a while, I realize water is dripping.

This July, a teacher opened a tap to fill a pool for swimming class.

This July, a teacher opeturned a tap on to fill a pool for swimming class.

The swimming class was postponed because of bad weather, and the teacher didn't turn off and check the tap because he thought another one had done.

The swimming class was postponed because of bad weather, and the teacher didn't turn off and check the tap because he thought another onsomeone else had done it.

After seven days, it was found that the tap had been opened.

After seven days, it was found that the tap had been openedleft running.

In this incident, water, which corresponds to 15 pools, was wasted and it cost 24,600 dollars extra.

InDue to this incident, water, which corresponds toenough water to fill 15 pools, was wasted and it cost 24,600 dollars extra.

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