isaac's avatar

April 4, 2022

Essay: local grant for the local school

You must answer this question. Write your answer in 220-260 words in and appropriate style.

You have listened to a radio discussion about how your local school should spend a grant from local authorities for education. You have made the notes below:

Which facility should receive money from local authorities?
- School library
- Gym
- Computer lab

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:
- “Children can access reading material from the internet”
- “Sport is essential to keep children fit and healthy”
- “Technology is a must for children today”

Write an essay discussing two of the facilities suggested in your notes. You should explain which facility it is more important for local authorities to give money to, giving the reasons in support of your answer.

You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

(What could I do to make it sound more natural?)

Nowadays, the education system seems to be focused especially on scientific and technical subjects, rather than in the student's education itself. This along with the recent technological developments have often led children's not to play outside. Therefore, it is necessary to turn the situation around in order to improve our kid's health and communication.

In regard this topic, I recently heard a radio program where it was discussed how to spend the money that our town hall will give to the local school. From this I could highlight two proposals: improve the gym and buying more computers for the computer lab.

To my way of thinking, I do not see any point of spending this grant into a matter that is part of the daily life of most students currently, that is the computer class. The importance of technology is often overestimated, in fact most of opinions in the program were opposite to mine, for example one of the participant said that computer science is essential nowadays. Does anybody think that children need help with the most basic topics of a computer? Is it really needed for children to learn how to programme? I do not think so, in my opinion would be worthier to use this grant at balancing countless hours that students are sit in front of their screens, by means of exercising and playing sports. For that reason, I would rather spend this money to renew the sports equipment and doing work in the school gym. As I heard in the discussion, exercise a group sports are vital, not only for our kid's health but to a better communication face to face.

In conclusion, local authorities should be aware of the real needs of children, so they should fund a place to keep in shape rather than extra hours with a computer.

What could I do to make it sound more natural?


Essay: lLocal grant for the local school

You must answer this question.

Write your answer in 220-260 words and in and appropriate style.

You have listened to a radio discussion about how your local school should spend a grant from local authorities for education.

You have made the notes below:

Which facility should receive money from local authorities?

- School library

- Gym

- Computer lab

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

- “Children can access reading material from the internet”

- “Sport is essential to keep children fit and healthy”

- “Technology is a must for children today”

Write an essay discussing two of the facilities suggested in your notes.

You should explain which facility it is more important for local authorities to give money to, giving the reasons in support of your answer.

You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.


(What could I do to make it sound more natural? )

Nowadays, tThe education system seems to be focusednowadays appears to be especially focused on scientific and technical subjects, rather than in the student's' education itself.

This along wWith the recent technological developments have, this has has often led to children's not to playing outside.

TIt is therefore, it is necessary to turn the situation around in order to improve our kid's' health and communication.

I'm changing it up to be less "talky"

Also, remember:
Kid's = One kid's thing(s)
Kids' = Multiple kids' thing(s)

In regard this topic, I recently heard a radio program where it was discussed how to spend the money that our town hall will give to the local school.

From this I could highlight two proposals: improveing the gym and buying more computers for the computer lab.

Either choose "improving the gym and buying[...]" or "improve the gym and buy [...]" :)

To my way of thinking,Personally I do not see any point ofin spending thise grant inton a matter that is part of the daily life of most students currently, that is, which would be the computer class.

The importance of technology is often overestimated, in fact. I oppose most of opinions in the radio program were opposite to mine, for example one of the participant said that, for example the one where computer science iswould be essential nowadays.

Does anybody think that children need help with the most basic topics of a computer?

Is it really needed for children to learn how to do programmeing?

I do not think so, in't agree. In my opinion it would be worthibetter to use this grant aton balancing the countless amount of hours that students are sit in front of their screens, bywith means of exercising and playing sports.

For thatis reason, I would rather spend thise money to renew the sports equipment, and doing work s well as improving the school gym.

As I hearwas said in the radio discussion,; exercise and group sports are vital, not only for our kid's' health, but also to a better communication face to face.

In conclusion, local authorities should be aware of the real needs of children, soand fund they schould fund a place to keep in shape rather than extraol gym in order to keep the children in shape, instead of adding more hours with a computers.

isaac's avatar

April 5, 2022


Thank you so much Yangfei for your help.

Nowadays, the education system seems to be more focused especially on scientific and technical subjects, rather than ion the student's education itself.

This, along with the recent technological developments have often led, [has limited the amount of opportunities for children's not to play outside.doors.]

Therefore, it is necessary to turn[change some aspects of the situeducation aroundsystem] in order to improve our kidchildren's health and communication.

"kid" suena demaisado informal

In regard to this topic, I recently heardlistened to a radio program where it was discussed[the subject of how to spend the money that/funds given by our town hall will give to the local school was discussed].

From this I could highlight two proposals: improveing the gym and buying more computers for the computer lab.

aquí hay que usar el gerundio.

To my way of thinking, I do not see any point of spending this grant into a matteron something that is already part of the daily life of most students currently, that is the(to say), computer classes.

The importance of technology is often overestimexaggerated, i. In fact, most of opinions in the program were opposite to mine, f/ most of the opinions...differed from mine. For example, one of the participants said that computer science is essential nowadays.

Is it really needed for children[Do children really need to learn how to programme?ing?]

I do not think so, i. In my opinion, it would be worthiermore worthwhile to use this grant at balancing countlessin [reducing the hours that students are sitspend in front of their screens], by means of/through exercising and playing sports.

For that reason, I would rather spend this money ton renewing the sports equipment and doing work in the school gym.

As I heard in the discussion, exercise and group sports are vital, not only for our kidchildren's health but to a betteralso for improving their face-to-face communication face to face.skills

In conclusion, local authorities should be aware of the real needs of children, so. As such, they should fund a place to keep in shape rather than extra hours withand continue to maintain it [rather than increasing the workload of children with classes that require a computer.]


Puse entre paréntesis las partes que podrías haber mejorado un poco, entiendo lo que quieres decir pero no suena nada natural. Pero sigue así, se nota que tienes el nivel en cuanto al vocabulario y las estructuras que usaste.

isaac's avatar

April 5, 2022


Muchas gracias de nuevo applebubble por todas tus correcciones y recomendaciones.

applebubble's avatar

April 5, 2022


de nada !

Essay: local grant for the local school

Essay: lLocal grant for the local school

You must answer this question.

Write your answer in 220-260 words in and appropriate style.

Write your answer in 220-260 words and in and appropriate style.

You have listened to a radio discussion about how your local school should spend a grant from local authorities for education.

You have made the notes below:

Which facility should receive money from local authorities?

- School library

- Gym

- Computer lab

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

- “Children can access reading material from the internet”

- “Sport is essential to keep children fit and healthy”

- “Technology is a must for children today”

Write an essay discussing two of the facilities suggested in your notes.

You should explain which facility it is more important for local authorities to give money to, giving the reasons in support of your answer.

You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.


(What could I do to make it sound more natural? )

Nowadays, the education system seems to be focused especially on scientific and technical subjects, rather than in the student's education itself.

Nowadays, the education system seems to be more focused especially on scientific and technical subjects, rather than ion the student's education itself.

Nowadays, tThe education system seems to be focusednowadays appears to be especially focused on scientific and technical subjects, rather than in the student's' education itself.

This along with the recent technological developments have often led children's not to play outside.

This, along with the recent technological developments have often led, [has limited the amount of opportunities for children's not to play outside.doors.]

This along wWith the recent technological developments have, this has has often led to children's not to playing outside.

Therefore, it is necessary to turn the situation around in order to improve our kid's health and communication.

Therefore, it is necessary to turn[change some aspects of the situeducation aroundsystem] in order to improve our kidchildren's health and communication.

TIt is therefore, it is necessary to turn the situation around in order to improve our kid's' health and communication.

In regard this topic, I recently heard a radio program where it was discussed how to spend the money that our town hall will give to the local school.

In regard to this topic, I recently heardlistened to a radio program where it was discussed[the subject of how to spend the money that/funds given by our town hall will give to the local school was discussed].

In regard this topic, I recently heard a radio program where it was discussed how to spend the money that our town hall will give to the local school.

From this I could highlight two proposals: improve the gym and buying more computers for the computer lab.

From this I could highlight two proposals: improveing the gym and buying more computers for the computer lab.

From this I could highlight two proposals: improveing the gym and buying more computers for the computer lab.

To my way of thinking, I do not see any point of spending this grant into a matter that is part of the daily life of most students currently, that is the computer class.

To my way of thinking, I do not see any point of spending this grant into a matteron something that is already part of the daily life of most students currently, that is the(to say), computer classes.

To my way of thinking,Personally I do not see any point ofin spending thise grant inton a matter that is part of the daily life of most students currently, that is, which would be the computer class.

The importance of technology is often overestimated, in fact most of opinions in the program were opposite to mine, for example one of the participant said that computer science is essential nowadays.

The importance of technology is often overestimexaggerated, i. In fact, most of opinions in the program were opposite to mine, f/ most of the opinions...differed from mine. For example, one of the participants said that computer science is essential nowadays.

The importance of technology is often overestimated, in fact. I oppose most of opinions in the radio program were opposite to mine, for example one of the participant said that, for example the one where computer science iswould be essential nowadays.

Does anybody think that children need help with the most basic topics of a computer?

Is it really needed for children to learn how to programme?

Is it really needed for children[Do children really need to learn how to programme?ing?]

Is it really needed for children to learn how to do programmeing?

I do not think so, in my opinion would be worthier to use this grant at balancing countless hours that students are sit in front of their screens, by means of exercising and playing sports.

I do not think so, i. In my opinion, it would be worthiermore worthwhile to use this grant at balancing countlessin [reducing the hours that students are sitspend in front of their screens], by means of/through exercising and playing sports.

I do not think so, in't agree. In my opinion it would be worthibetter to use this grant aton balancing the countless amount of hours that students are sit in front of their screens, bywith means of exercising and playing sports.

For that reason, I would rather spend this money to renew the sports equipment and doing work in the school gym.

For that reason, I would rather spend this money ton renewing the sports equipment and doing work in the school gym.

For thatis reason, I would rather spend thise money to renew the sports equipment, and doing work s well as improving the school gym.

As I heard in the discussion, exercise a group sports are vital, not only for our kid's health but to a better communication face to face.

As I heard in the discussion, exercise and group sports are vital, not only for our kidchildren's health but to a betteralso for improving their face-to-face communication face to face.skills

As I hearwas said in the radio discussion,; exercise and group sports are vital, not only for our kid's' health, but also to a better communication face to face.

In conclusion, local authorities should be aware of the real needs of children, so they should fund a place to keep in shape rather than extra hours with a computer.

In conclusion, local authorities should be aware of the real needs of children, so. As such, they should fund a place to keep in shape rather than extra hours withand continue to maintain it [rather than increasing the workload of children with classes that require a computer.]

In conclusion, local authorities should be aware of the real needs of children, soand fund they schould fund a place to keep in shape rather than extraol gym in order to keep the children in shape, instead of adding more hours with a computers.

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