isaac's avatar

April 2, 2022

Essay (C1 CAE): Which facilities should receive money?

Your class has attended a panel discussion on facilities which should receive money from local authorities. You have made the notes below:

Which facilities should receive money from local authorities?
- Museums
- sports centres
- public gardens

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:
- “Museums aren’t popular with everybody!”
- “Sports centres mean healthier people.”
- “A town needs green spaces – parks are great for everybody.”

Write an essay discussing two of the facilities in your notes. You should explain which facility it is more important for local authorities to give money to, giving reasons in support of your answer.

You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.


(What could I do to make it sound more natural? Would you suggest me synonyms for “facilities”)

Yesterday a meeting to discuss public funding of town facilities took place to know citizenship opinion about it. This was focused on those used for people to spare their free time, especially on museums and public gardens.

In my opinion, museums are the best candidates to receive economic help from our town hall. As a starting point, without going into further details, public facilities should be the only ones that can access to public funding, because they don't have any other source of incomes.

During the meeting I could heard some neighbors complain that two museums in our small town is a completetly waste of money. Regarding this opinion, people often generalise their own wishes as a common fact for everybody. It is true that museums are not usually crowded, but that is why it is really necessary to spend money into them. More people, especially children, will be attracted to visit our museums if there had not been lack of money to organise cultural activities and hire guides.

On the other hand, public parks have been always supported for our community. Therefore, as I see it, there is no need on giving public help to them beyond the regular incomes they receive. However, it seems that my opinion was not welcomed in the meeting, as it could be heard from some people in the discussion. For me, fortunately, there is no way the quality of our public gardens could be improved, whenever their designs were not changed.

In conclusion, to my way of thinking extra public funding should be given to museums because they are the more careless facilities in the town.

What could I do to make it sound more natural? Would you suggest me synonyms for “facilities”


Yesterday a meeting to discuss the public funding of town facilities took place to know citizenship opinion about itin order to gather opinions of citizens / residents / locals.

This discussion was focused on thosefacilities used for people to sparein their frespare time, especially on museums and public gardens.

As a starting point, without going into further details, public facilities should be the only ones that can access to public funding, because they don't have any other source of incomes.

During the meeting I could heard some neighbors complain that two museums in our small town isare a completetly waste of money.

Regarding this opinion, pPeople often generalise their own wishes as a common fact for, believing them to be (common to / shared by) everybody.

It is true that museums are not usually crowded, but that is why it is really necessarycrucial to spend money into them.

More people, especially children, will be attracted toould visit our museums if there had not been a lack of money to organise cultural activities and hire guides.

On the other hand, public parks have been always supported forby our community.

Therefore, as I see it, there is no need ton givinge public helpresources to them beyond the regular incomesfunding they receive.

usually income refers to money generated by someone as a result of work. funding = money given by government, etc

However, it seems that my opinion was not welcomed inat the meeting, bas it could beed on what I heard from some people in the discussion.

For me, fortunately, there is no way the quality of our public gardens could be improved, wheneverif their designs were not changed.

not quite sure I understand

In conclusion, to my way of thinkingfrom my perspective, extra public funding should be given to museums because they are the more carelessone of the facilities in the town that is less cared for.

careless = clumsy

isaac's avatar

April 3, 2022


Thank you so much rusyayagidiyorum, your corrections are really helpful.

Essay (C1 CAE): Which facilities should receive money?

Your class has attended a panel discussion on facilities which should receive money from local authorities.

You have made the notes below:

Which facilities should receive money from local authorities?

- Museums

- sports centres

- public gardens

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

- “Museums aren’t popular with everybody!”

- “Sports centres mean healthier people.”

- “A town needs green spaces – parks are great for everybody.”

Write an essay discussing two of the facilities in your notes.

You should explain which facility it is more important for local authorities to give money to, giving reasons in support of your answer.

You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.


(What could I do to make it sound more natural? Would you suggest me synonyms for “facilities”)

Yesterday a meeting to discuss public funding of town facilities took place to know citizenship opinion about it.

Yesterday a meeting to discuss the public funding of town facilities took place to know citizenship opinion about itin order to gather opinions of citizens / residents / locals.

This was focused on those used for people to spare their free time, especially on museums and public gardens.

This discussion was focused on thosefacilities used for people to sparein their frespare time, especially on museums and public gardens.

In my opinion, museums are the best candidates to receive economic help from our town hall.

As a starting point, without going into further details, public facilities should be the only ones that can access to public funding, because they don't have any other source of incomes.

As a starting point, without going into further details, public facilities should be the only ones that can access to public funding, because they don't have any other source of incomes.

During the meeting I could heard some neighbors complain that two museums in our small town is a completetly waste of money.

During the meeting I could heard some neighbors complain that two museums in our small town isare a completetly waste of money.

Regarding this opinion, people often generalise their own wishes as a common fact for everybody.

Regarding this opinion, pPeople often generalise their own wishes as a common fact for, believing them to be (common to / shared by) everybody.

It is true that museums are not usually crowded, but that is why it is really necessary to spend money into them.

It is true that museums are not usually crowded, but that is why it is really necessarycrucial to spend money into them.

More people, especially children, will be attracted to visit our museums if there had not been lack of money to organise cultural activities and hire guides.

More people, especially children, will be attracted toould visit our museums if there had not been a lack of money to organise cultural activities and hire guides.

On the other hand, public parks have been always supported for our community.

On the other hand, public parks have been always supported forby our community.

Therefore, as I see it, there is no need on giving public help to them beyond the regular incomes they receive.

Therefore, as I see it, there is no need ton givinge public helpresources to them beyond the regular incomesfunding they receive.

However, it seems that my opinion was not welcomed in the meeting, as it could be heard from some people in the discussion.

However, it seems that my opinion was not welcomed inat the meeting, bas it could beed on what I heard from some people in the discussion.

For me, fortunately, there is no way the quality of our public gardens could be improved, whenever their designs were not changed.

For me, fortunately, there is no way the quality of our public gardens could be improved, wheneverif their designs were not changed.

In conclusion, to my way of thinking extra public funding should be given to museums because they are the more careless facilities in the town.

In conclusion, to my way of thinkingfrom my perspective, extra public funding should be given to museums because they are the more carelessone of the facilities in the town that is less cared for.

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