isaac's avatar

April 19, 2022

Essay: About tuition fees in UK universities (C1 CAE)

You have listened to a debate about UK university tuition fees. Then, you have been asked to vote in favour of some of the options provided. You have made the notes below:
Should UK universities charge tuition fees?
- Tuition gees should not be charged.
- Universities should charge very low tuition fees.
- Universities need to charge high fees to have a high standard.
Some opinions during the talk:
- “Universities are facing substantial cuts in direct government funding”.
- “Universities will face additional economic pressures as student numbers increase”.
- “We should ensure access to university is based on the ability to learn, not the ability to pay”.
Write an essay discussing two of the options in your notes. You should explain which option would be best giving reasons in support of your answer.
You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the talk, but you should use your own words as far as possible.

(What could make it sounds more natural? )

Last week I went to an interesting debate in my university, where it was discussed whether or not students in the UK should pay tuition fees in higher education. UK have some of the top ranked universities in the world, but is there an economical reason behind all of that?

From the debate I heard that universities more and more have to deal with public cutbacks. This problem affects a greater extend to those which have low incomes from private sources of funding, this is most of colleges in the country. Nevertheless, from my way of thinking this is far from being a good reason to students to be overcharged, since universities must face economic crisis periods as either private company would do. I mean, looking for new ways of funding in order to keep their educational standards without raising fees to the students. They are the real value of this higher education system, therefore it must be guaranteeded a universal access to it. This implies being free in order not to descriminate candidates for economical reasons, as it was expressed in the discussion by one participant, who stated that students must be assessed by their skills at learning.

Far beyond expressed above, there is no point on scoring a university by means of the economic resources. It is true that a stronger financially college is able to support more expensive facilities and tools, which leads to a higher quality education. However, it is not the most important part when it comes to rate such an institution. For example, student creativity play a major role on this issue.

All in all, I consider that there is no need in overcharging with higher fees, rather what may be done is removing the existing ones.

What could make it sounds more natural?


Last week I went to an interesting debate in my university, where it was discussedthe issue of whether or not students in the UK should pay tuition fees in higher education was discussed.

The UK haves some of the tophighest ranked universities in the world, but is there an economical reason behind all of that?

From the debate I heardgathered (mejor) that universities more and more have tohave to increasingly deal with public cutbacks.

This problem affects a greater extend to those which have low incomes from private sources of funding, this isespecially affects those with limited funding from private investors; most of the colleges in the country fall under this category.

Nevertheless, from my way of thinkingin my opinion, this is far from being a good reason to students to be overcharged students, since universities must face economic crisis periods as eiface periods of economic crisis, just like any other private company would do.

I mean,n other words, it is crucial to looking for new ways of funding in order to keepmaintain (mejor) their educational standards without raising fees to the detriment of ( a costa de) students.

They are the real value of this higher education system, therefore it must be guaranteeded a universal access to ituniversal access should be guaranteed.

¿Cuál es el valor real del sistema educativo? No entiendo esta parte.

This implies being free in order not to deiscriminate candidates for economical reasons, as it was expressed in the discussion by one participant, who stated that students must be assessed by their skills at learning.

no entiendo esta parte.

Far beyond expressed abovurthermore, there is no point onOF scoring a university by means of thethrough economic resources. (?)

No entiendo esta parte.

It is true that a stronger financiallybetter-funded college is able to supportbear the cost of more expensive facilities and tooleducational resources, which leads to a higher quality education.

However, it is not the most important part when it comes to rateing such an institution.

For example, student creativity plays a major role oin this issue.

All in all, I considerfeel that there is no need in overcharging with higher fees, rather. Instead, what may be done is removing the existing ones.

isaac's avatar

April 22, 2022


Muchas gracias applebubble por tus correcciones .

applebubble's avatar

April 23, 2022


de nada. Oye, puedes cambiar el formato del writing que acabas de publicar? es que cuando lo estaba corrigiendo no podía indicar bien los fallos, porque cada oración estaba separada en el medio.

isaac's avatar

April 30, 2022


A vale perdona, lo haré en los próximos para que pueda conservarlo.

You have listened to athe UK debate about UK university tuition fees.

- Tuition gfees should not be charged.

- Universities need to charge high fees to have a high standard.s

(What could make it sounds more natural? )

Last week I went to an interesting debate inat my university, where it was discussed whether or not students in the UK should pay tuition fees in higher educationthe cost of tuition was debated.

This makes it more concise--the reader is able to follow easier

The UK haves some of the top highest-ranked universities in the world, but is there an economical reason behind all of that?

From the debate, I hlearned that universities more and more have to deal with publicmajor cutbacks in funding.

This problem affects a greater extend tolarge percentage of those whicho have low incomes from private sources of funding, t. This ichange affects most of colleges in the country.

Nevertheless, fFrom my way of thinking, this is far from being a gooda terrible reason tofor students to be overcharged, since considering universities must face economic crisis periods as eilike other private company would doies.

I mean,Universities and colleges should looking for new ways of funding in order to keep their educational standards without raising fees to the students.

They are there is real value of thisin higher education system, therefore it must be. Therefore, universities should guaranteeded a universal access to iteducation.

I tried to make this less confusing because you didn't really write a subject.

This implies beingA participant in the discussion suggested that tuition be free in order to not to dediscriminate against candidates for economicfinancial reasons, as it was expressed in the discussion by one participant, who stated. This implies that students must be assessed by their skills at learning.

Far beyond expressed abovTo summarize, there is no point oin scoring a university by means of the economic resources.

?? A little confusing! Could you explain what you want to say here?

It is trueAnother participant believed that a stronger, financially college is able tosuccessful college could support more expensive facilities and tools, which leads to a higher quality education.

However, it is not the most important part when it comes to rateing such an institution. overall.

For example, student creativity plays a major role oin this issue.

All in all, I considerbelieve that there is no need in overcharging with higher fees, rstudents to access higher education. Rather, what may be done is removing the existing ones.e should make higher education available to all regardless of financial stability.


Great job! Overall, minor changes here and there. Just some things to make it more clear and more concise!

isaac's avatar

April 22, 2022


Thank you so much Gmhj7 for your corrections and comments.

Essay: About tuition fees in UK universities (C1 CAE)

You have listened to a debate about UK university tuition fees.

You have listened to athe UK debate about UK university tuition fees.

Then, you have been asked to vote in favour of some of the options provided.

You have made the notes below:

Should UK universities charge tuition fees?

- Tuition gees should not be charged.

- Tuition gfees should not be charged.

- Universities should charge very low tuition fees.

- Universities need to charge high fees to have a high standard.

- Universities need to charge high fees to have a high standard.s

Some opinions during the talk:

- “Universities are facing substantial cuts in direct government funding”.

- “Universities will face additional economic pressures as student numbers increase”.

- “We should ensure access to university is based on the ability to learn, not the ability to pay”.

Write an essay discussing two of the options in your notes.

You should explain which option would be best giving reasons in support of your answer.

You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the talk, but you should use your own words as far as possible.


(What could make it sounds more natural? )

(What could make it sounds more natural? )

Last week I went to an interesting debate in my university, where it was discussed whether or not students in the UK should pay tuition fees in higher education.

Last week I went to an interesting debate inat my university, where it was discussed whether or not students in the UK should pay tuition fees in higher educationthe cost of tuition was debated.

Last week I went to an interesting debate in my university, where it was discussedthe issue of whether or not students in the UK should pay tuition fees in higher education was discussed.

UK have some of the top ranked universities in the world, but is there an economical reason behind all of that?

The UK haves some of the top highest-ranked universities in the world, but is there an economical reason behind all of that?

The UK haves some of the tophighest ranked universities in the world, but is there an economical reason behind all of that?

From the debate I heard that universities more and more have to deal with public cutbacks.

From the debate, I hlearned that universities more and more have to deal with publicmajor cutbacks in funding.

From the debate I heardgathered (mejor) that universities more and more have tohave to increasingly deal with public cutbacks.

This problem affects a greater extend to those which have low incomes from private sources of funding, this is most of colleges in the country.

This problem affects a greater extend tolarge percentage of those whicho have low incomes from private sources of funding, t. This ichange affects most of colleges in the country.

This problem affects a greater extend to those which have low incomes from private sources of funding, this isespecially affects those with limited funding from private investors; most of the colleges in the country fall under this category.

Nevertheless, from my way of thinking this is far from being a good reason to students to be overcharged, since universities must face economic crisis periods as either private company would do.

Nevertheless, fFrom my way of thinking, this is far from being a gooda terrible reason tofor students to be overcharged, since considering universities must face economic crisis periods as eilike other private company would doies.

Nevertheless, from my way of thinkingin my opinion, this is far from being a good reason to students to be overcharged students, since universities must face economic crisis periods as eiface periods of economic crisis, just like any other private company would do.

I mean, looking for new ways of funding in order to keep their educational standards without raising fees to the students.

I mean,Universities and colleges should looking for new ways of funding in order to keep their educational standards without raising fees to the students.

I mean,n other words, it is crucial to looking for new ways of funding in order to keepmaintain (mejor) their educational standards without raising fees to the detriment of ( a costa de) students.

They are the real value of this higher education system, therefore it must be guaranteeded a universal access to it.

They are there is real value of thisin higher education system, therefore it must be. Therefore, universities should guaranteeded a universal access to iteducation.

They are the real value of this higher education system, therefore it must be guaranteeded a universal access to ituniversal access should be guaranteed.

This implies being free in order not to descriminate candidates for economical reasons, as it was expressed in the discussion by one participant, who stated that students must be assessed by their skills at learning.

This implies beingA participant in the discussion suggested that tuition be free in order to not to dediscriminate against candidates for economicfinancial reasons, as it was expressed in the discussion by one participant, who stated. This implies that students must be assessed by their skills at learning.

This implies being free in order not to deiscriminate candidates for economical reasons, as it was expressed in the discussion by one participant, who stated that students must be assessed by their skills at learning.

Far beyond expressed above, there is no point on scoring a university by means of the economic resources.

Far beyond expressed abovTo summarize, there is no point oin scoring a university by means of the economic resources.

Far beyond expressed abovurthermore, there is no point onOF scoring a university by means of thethrough economic resources. (?)

It is true that a stronger financially college is able to support more expensive facilities and tools, which leads to a higher quality education.

It is trueAnother participant believed that a stronger, financially college is able tosuccessful college could support more expensive facilities and tools, which leads to a higher quality education.

It is true that a stronger financiallybetter-funded college is able to supportbear the cost of more expensive facilities and tooleducational resources, which leads to a higher quality education.

However, it is not the most important part when it comes to rate such an institution.

However, it is not the most important part when it comes to rateing such an institution.

However, it is not the most important part when it comes to rateing such an institution. overall.

For example, student creativity play a major role on this issue.

For example, student creativity plays a major role oin this issue.

For example, student creativity plays a major role oin this issue.

All in all, I consider that there is no need in overcharging with higher fees, rather what may be done is removing the existing ones.

All in all, I considerbelieve that there is no need in overcharging with higher fees, rstudents to access higher education. Rather, what may be done is removing the existing ones.e should make higher education available to all regardless of financial stability.

All in all, I considerfeel that there is no need in overcharging with higher fees, rather. Instead, what may be done is removing the existing ones.

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