ponta's avatar

June 11, 2021

Day Eleven

My favorite property is a T-shirt. The T-shirt is indigo and made by a craftsman. The blue is deep and it is said that indigo dye works as an insect repellent. The T-shirt was quite expensive because it took time and effort to produce. However, the company's philosophy of this shirt is "We make clothes that can be used for 10 years.", which is antithesis for mass production and mass consumption society. I like to use one thing for a long time even though it's expensive. The indigo will change as time passes, and it'll make a special texture. It means the shirt turns to be unique for me.


Day Eleven

My favorite propertyossession is a T-shirt.

You can also say, "The favourite thing I own is a T-shirt."

The T-shirt is indigo and made by a craftsman.

The blueIt is a deep blue and it is said that the indigo dye works as an insect repellent.

The T-shirt was quite expensive because it took time and effort to produce.

However, the company's philosophy of this shirt is "We make clothes that can be used for 10 years.,"

If you continue the sentence after the quotation, you use a comma (,) before the ending quotation marks (").

", which is the antithesis ofor mass production and mass consumption society.

I like to use one thing for a long time even though it's expensive.

The indigo will change asover time passes, and it'll make a special texture.

"as time passes" isn't wrong, but it sounds a little better as "over time".

It means the shirt turnswill turn out to be unique for me.


Nice entry! Good for you for buying clothes which last a long time :)
That's also really cool that the indigo dye works as an insect repellant. Maybe I should get a T-shirt like that too!

ponta's avatar

June 12, 2021


Thank you so much!

Day Eleven

My favorite property is a T-shirt.

My favorite propertyossession is a T-shirt.

The T-shirt is indigo and made by a craftsman.

The blue is deep and it is said that indigo dye works as an insect repellent.

The blueIt is a deep blue and it is said that the indigo dye works as an insect repellent.

The T-shirt was quite expensive because it took time and effort to produce.

However, the company's philosophy of this shirt is "We make clothes that can be used for 10 years.

However, the company's philosophy of this shirt is "We make clothes that can be used for 10 years.,"

", which is antithesis for mass production and mass consumption society.

", which is the antithesis ofor mass production and mass consumption society.

I like to use one thing for a long time even though it's expensive.

The indigo will change as time passes, and it'll make a special texture.

The indigo will change asover time passes, and it'll make a special texture.

It means the shirt turns to be unique for me.

It means the shirt turnswill turn out to be unique for me.

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