Ducky's avatar

April 25, 2022

A Fast Sailboat

A lot of years ago, in a holidays at "La costa Brava" in the Mediterrean Sea, I enjoyed for two days a sailing experience. It was an impressive experience in a little but fast sailboat, with one mast and for two people. It is named if not fail my memory, "Chopper". I remember that the boom, an horizontal spar that is joined to the mast, hit my head some times the first day. When the sailboot is turning around, you must pay attention to the fast movement of the boom, and go down the head. This was one of my more fun days of that holidays.


A Fast Sailboat

A lot of years ago, during a holidays at "La costa Brava" in the Mediterranean Sea, I enjoyed fora two days a sailing experience.

It was an impressive experience in a little but fast sailboat, with one mast and for two people.

It iwas named if not fail my memory, "Chopper""Chopper" if my memory doesn't fail me.

I remember that the boom, an horizontal spar that is joined to the mast, hit my head someeveral times the first day.

No està del tot clar què vols dir aquí.

When the sailbooat is turning around, you must pay attention to the fast movement of the boom, and go down the headduck.

This was one of my more fun days of that holidays.


Ben fet.

Ducky's avatar

April 26, 2022


I remember that the boom, an horizontal spar that is joined to the mast, hit my head someeveral times the first day.

No està del tot clar què vols dir aquí.

"Recordo que la botavara, una barra horitzontal unida al pal, va colpejar el meu cap diverses vegades."

diggn's avatar

April 26, 2022


"Recordo que la botavara, una barra horitzontal unida al pal, va colpejar el meu cap diverses vegades."

En aquest cas, la meva correcció està bé tal com està.

Ducky's avatar

April 27, 2022



A lot ofMany years ago, in a holidays at "La costa Brava" in the Mediterranean Sea, I enjoyed for two days a sailing experience.

A Fast Sailboat

A lot of years ago, in a holidays at "La costa Brava" in the Mediterrean Sea, I enjoyed for two days a sailing experience.

A lot of years ago, during a holidays at "La costa Brava" in the Mediterranean Sea, I enjoyed fora two days a sailing experience.

A lot ofMany years ago, in a holidays at "La costa Brava" in the Mediterranean Sea, I enjoyed for two days a sailing experience.

It was an impressive experience in a little but fast sailboat, with one mast and for two people.

It is named if not fail my memory, "Chopper".

It iwas named if not fail my memory, "Chopper""Chopper" if my memory doesn't fail me.

I remember that the boom, an horizontal spar that is joined to the mast, hit my head some times the first day.

I remember that the boom, an horizontal spar that is joined to the mast, hit my head someeveral times the first day.

When the sailboot is turning around, you must pay attention to the fast movement of the boom, and go down the head.

When the sailbooat is turning around, you must pay attention to the fast movement of the boom, and go down the headduck.

This was one of my more fun days of that holidays.

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