michael_sun's avatar

Sept. 20, 2021

046 I live across the line

046 I live across the line
Kate made up her mind to lose weight. She went to an AA organization for overweight people. In the meeting,everyone complained about their problems they were facing. A woman said her mother never let them eat pizza. And so now she had to eat the entire pizza every time. She said the only way to solve her problem was to have her stomach stapled. Another lady who was quite slim and seemed not belonging here complained about her extra six pounds in the midsection. Kate and another man were smirking and even laughing at their complaint. When they were having coffee during the break, Kate told the man said he had crossed the line. The man answered, ‘You laughed.’
‘Well I lived across the line.’ Kate said.


046 I live across the line

046 I live across the line

Kate made up her mind to lose weight.

She went to an AA organization for overweight people.

In the meeting, everyone complaintalked about their problems they were facingersonal troubles.

People who attend AAs are trying to better themselves, so we should write it in a more respectful way.

A woman said her mother never let them eat pizzaher eat pizza (when she was younger?), so she now eats an entire box of pizza every time.

She said the only way to solve her problem was to have her stomach stapled.

Another lady who was quite slim and seemed nolooked like she didn't belonging here complain, talked about her extra six pounds in the midsection.

Again we should say talked instead of complained

Kate and another man were smirking and even laughing at their complaint.

When they were having coffee during the break, Kate told the man saidthat he had crossed thea line.

The man answered, ‘You laughed.’


Nice job!

046 I live across the line

046 I live across the line

Kate made up her mind to lose weight.

She went to an AA organization for overweight people.

In the meeting,everyone complained about their problems they were facing.

In the meeting, everyone complaintalked about their problems they were facingersonal troubles.

A woman said her mother never let them eat pizza.

A woman said her mother never let them eat pizzaher eat pizza (when she was younger?), so she now eats an entire box of pizza every time.

And so now she had to eat the entire pizza every time.

She said the only way to solve her problem was to have her stomach stapled.

Another lady who was quite slim and seemed not belonging here complained about her extra six pounds in the midsection.

Another lady who was quite slim and seemed nolooked like she didn't belonging here complain, talked about her extra six pounds in the midsection.

Kate and another man were smirking and even laughing at their complaint.

When they were having coffee during the break, Kate told the man said he had crossed the line.

When they were having coffee during the break, Kate told the man saidthat he had crossed thea line.

The man answered, ‘You laughed.’

‘Well I lived across the line.’ Kate said.

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