Binh's avatar

Jan. 3, 2022

My ideal life

I want to finish the school tests, ace the IELTS test, get an internship, pick up learning the languages that I have left off (Japanese, Spanish, Latin), and play chess. Most of what I said so far is all within my reach so I must be happy, right? I don't know tbh. I know learning is supposed to be my big goal of all of this but I am still scared of what will happen if I failed the school tests, got a low IELTS score, got an internship but got fired, lost trust in my learning languages abilities.

But I have learnt English, correct? No, because it was the young me that have learnt English. I'm still unable to prove to my 'now' self that I can learn a language yet. I don't want to keep telling my parents promises that I'm unsure are going to happen or not. Why did it gotten dark all of a sudden?

In conclusion, my ideal life is that I get to exercise every day, be able to learn at any time with my own time constraint, and play the game I dearly loved, chess. I guess I'm not free as I would wish, maybe...

<p>In the second paragraph, the last sentence refer to atmosphere or my thought process was getting dark :))</p>


My ideal life

I want to finish the school tests, ace the IELTS test, get an internship, pick up learning the languages that I have left off (Japanese, Spanish, Latin), and play chess.

Most of what I said so far is all within my reach so I must be happy, right?

I don't know tbh.

I know learning is supposed to be my big goal of all of this but I am still scared of what will happen if I failed the school tests, goet a low IELTS score, goet an internship but goet fired, loste trust in my learning languages abilities.

the corrections are just changing your word from past tense to future tense, it said that it had already happened in the past, but from what i understand, you were wanting to talk about in the future? :)

But I have learnt English, correct?

No, because it was the young me that have learnt English.

‘have’ did not fit in here. you could also use ‘had’ which is the past tense of ‘have’, though, and it would mean the same thing.

I'm still yet unable to prove to my 'now' self that I can learn a language yet.

you are right in thinking ‘yet’ comes at the end of a sentence but in this context, i think it would be best where i have placed it, or it would still have the same meaning without having to use ‘yet’

I don't want to keep telling my parents promisemaking promises to my parents that I'm unsure are going to happen or not.

when you promise something, you do it, so you make a promise.

Why did it gottenet dark all of a sudden?

In conclusion, my ideal life is that I get to exercise every day, be able to learn at any time with my own time constraint, and play the game I dearly loved, chess.

I guess I'm not free as I would wish, maybe...


this is all really good!! you write really well and i wish you the best of luck in your goals, you can do it!
the only mistakes that you really made are just tenses, but other than that, well done! :))

Binh's avatar

Jan. 6, 2022


Thank you so much, I'll need those luck you gave :))

My ideal life

I want to finish the school tests, ace the IELTS test, get an internship, pick up learning the languages that I have left off (Japanese, Spanish, Latin), and play chess.

Most of what I said so far is all within my reach so I must be happy, right?

I don't know tbh.

I know learning is supposed to be my big goal of all of this but I am still scared of what will happen if I failed the school tests, got a low IELTS score, got an internship but got fired, lost trust in my learning languages abilities.

I know learning is supposed to be my big goal of all of this but I am still scared of what will happen if I failed the school tests, goet a low IELTS score, goet an internship but goet fired, loste trust in my learning languages abilities.

But I have learnt English, correct?

No, because it was the young me that have learnt English.

No, because it was the young me that have learnt English.

I'm still unable to prove to my 'now' self that I can learn a language yet.

I'm still yet unable to prove to my 'now' self that I can learn a language yet.

I don't want to keep telling my parents promises that I'm unsure are going to happen or not.

I don't want to keep telling my parents promisemaking promises to my parents that I'm unsure are going to happen or not.

Why did it gotten dark all of a sudden?

Why did it gottenet dark all of a sudden?

In conclusion, my ideal life is that I get to exercise every day, be able to learn at any time with my own time constraint, and play the game I dearly loved, chess.

I guess I'm not free as I would wish, maybe...

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